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Remembering Meredith — Carol Joyal

Tonight we went to a San Jose Choralier concert. I sat there for almost two hours listening to wonderful music and thinking of Meredith. (A few years ago she sang with a local women's choir. We went to her concert and chatted with her after.) One of the things I recalled is the immigration conference at Hoover Institute on the Stanford campus. The occasion was the release of the Hoover study, mostly for benefit of high tech folks I suspect. Norm Matloff did get his name on the program and such luminaries as Julian Simon were there too. One of the most offensive high tech CEOs said companies wanted to use the H-1B to take in all the best brains in the world so America could always retain its leadership in the field.

Meredith rose and asked if the industry intended to vacuum up the talent from the rest of the world, the talent countries needed for progress. The smug CEO was stunned that someone would challenge him and even more surprised someone would think the vacuum approach was wrong. The silence after was wonderful. The few reformists in the area surfaced for the first time in one of the premier institutions of political correctness (IPCs).